Categories: Stress

How to deal with burnout

Burnout: the emotional state of complete exhaustion after prolonged periods of stress.

Whether you go to work, go to school, or care for your family, you may be affected by burnout. If you find yourself struggling each day, unable to cope with the impact of stress.  It can be due to an overwhelming task ahead, a never ending task, or the lack of passion towards the task.

The consequences can involve a multitude of real physical and mental symptoms, including depression, anxiety, lethargy, and cynicism. If you find yourself staying in bed, struggling to get up in the morning, feeling constantly tired, and unhappy, you may be burnt-out. It’s important to consult with a health professional as these are common symptoms to various ailments.

1. Understanding the cause

If you are struggling with these symptoms, it’s important to take the time to figure out why.  If the answer is burnout, figure out what specifically drives your stress.  Write a list of all of the aspects.

2. Control

Now, are these stressors within your control? To read more about this you can read “how to deal with stress.”  Then, determine your ability to control each element on your list.

3. Find Joy

Growing up, hopefully, you’ve been told that you can do whatever you want when you grow up.  Now that you are grown up, did you pick what you want? Something that you enjoy and that makes you happy?

Most of us finish our schooling, realize that we need a job because we now have loads of responsibilities. Now that money is a concern, we focus less on are wants, and more on the ability to make money.  Money is survival. Without it, we cannot have a roof over our head or food in our bellies.  If you have a decent job, make a decent wage, you may feel stuck.  You need that financial stability to support yourself and your family.  But what about your happiness?

When you get old, what will be important for you? What will be the fond memories that will stick with you? Time with your family and friends, or your nine-to-five job.  I doubt it’ll be the later, unless, it’s a job that you love almost as much as your friends and family.  Imagine this, you spend the majority of your life working, all that time wasted on something that you do not love? We only have one life.  Once we reach retirement, the unknown question about our health arises, not everyone gets to enjoy those retirement years.  Do you really want to wait until you’re 70 to enjoy yourself?

4. Reset

Stress impacts our bodies more than we might realize, therefore, it’s essential to take care of ourselves.  Do not be afraid to take that last week of vacation time, or even a week without pay. Your mental health is more important.  Especially when you are at your breaking point.  If all you need to do to reduce the stress is by taking a small break, it is worth it.

Here are some more tips to help you reset. 

I hope this article helps!


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